Chirantan Chaitanya

After completion of 2 years, intensive Vedanta Course Ruchir Thakkar was initiated to sanyas diksha as Brahmachari Chirantan Chaitanya.

The two years Vedanta Course covered a number of Prakarana granthas (Topical texts) and Prasthana Trayi (ie. Upanishads, Bhagavadgita and Brahmasutra).

Chirantan served at Chinmaya International Foundation for 2.5 years and conducted webinars for Foundation Vedanta Course, Advanced Vedanta Course, and Bhagavad Gita Course.

The way we are connecting with other fellow seekers is changing dramatically with innovation and change in technology every day. Chirantan deeply feels that the way other professional courses are promoted & conducted, the courses on highest knowledge ie. ‘The self-knowledge’ should also be promoted.

With the mission to help 100,000 seekers to be active digitally and self-reliant financially Chirantan offers what he learned.

May the Guru Parampara’s blessings be on us and we realize the TRUTH.

With Love and Om

Your Own Self Realization Is The Greatest Service You
Can Offer The World.

Over 5000 years ago, Sri Krishna came in order to revitalize the ancient knowledge which till then had remained in the Himalayas, and presented it in a unique and revolutionary manner: not on the serene banks of a river, not in some quite ashrama, but right in the middle of a worldly battlefield. He imparted this esoteric knowledge – the art of living and managing life- in such a rare manner that it be came acceptable to Arjuna, a man of action, and inspired him to live a life of purpose and achievement, reflecting the highest levels of spirituality and peace.

Millennia later when spirituality had become mere philosophy and a sheer intellectual tug-of-war due to constant invasions, Sri Shakaracharya appeared and revived the ancient seers’ wisdom, making it practical at each level on every path, for every temperament, He bought about a renaisaance of Vaidika culture.

Today, decadence is once again prevalent in the form of pseudo-secularism and the importance of spiritual life in our day to day management has slipped to the bottom of the priority list. In the 2oth century, Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda arrived and made the ancient knowledge palatable to the people of our times.